
Getting Started

What is Layouts covers?

Layouts covers all theme configuration settings if you want to apply manually in project.

i.e. if you want apply dark theme then you can directly add dark class in body.

You can set below layout, theme, menu style etc.

  • Layout Style- You can set manually by adding layout class from [full, boxed-layout] to body.
  • Theme Style- You can set manually by adding theme class from [light, dark, system] to body.
  • Navigation Style- You can set manually by adding navigation class from [vertical, collapsible-vertical, horizontal] to body.
  • Header Style- You can set manually by adding header class from [navbar-sticky, navbar-floating, navbar-static] to body.
  • Animation Style- You can set manually by adding animation class from [animate__fadeIn, animate__fadeInDown, animate__fadeInUp, animate__fadeInLeft, animate__fadeInRight, animate__slideInDown, animate__slideInLeft, animate__slideInRight, animate__zoomIn] to body.
  • Semidark Style- You can set manually by adding dark class to navigation block.

Note: You can use such as an all above style using any combination. there is no restriction.